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The best bus ever
Jason Sievers' awesome Art in Transit bus

Friday, March 21, 2008

House passes local option amendment

On a 51-19 vote, the Idaho House today passed HJR4, the constitutional amendment designed to make it much harder for Idahoans to solve transit issues on a regional basis. The Senate will vote next week. It needs two-thirds to pass, then it would go on to need just a simple majority from November voters to become a very, very bad law.

Here's hoping the Senate can kill the bill before it goes that far. Given even a slight shift in the legislature next year, a more reasonable and regionally oriented local option bill could prevail next winter.

1 comment:

Julie Fanselow said...

For the record, one Republican (Leon Smith) voted against the amendment and one Dem (Mary Lou Shepherd) voted for it.