The best bus ever

The best bus ever
Jason Sievers' awesome Art in Transit bus

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's May in Motion

May in Motion seems pretty low key this year compared to a few years back. (Remember the free Friday bus rides once upon a time?) Still, there are signs that Treasure Valley residents are at least thinking about going mobile without their cars and trucks.

First of all, Friday, May 16, is National Bike/Walk to Work Day, the fabulous finish to Boise Bike Week. Bike Boy has been chronicling the week's events - and the joy of year-round biking to work - at his blog right here.

Also, this weekend is the first-ever Idaho Green Expo, which will feature exhibits and seminars on transportation alternatives, among many other topics.

I'll also be interested to hear from Valley Ride whether bus ridership is up in recent months. It sure seems to be.

1 comment:

Julie Fanselow said...

Also worth checking out? This film is playing now through Sunday at The Flicks ... alas, only at 9:10 p.m.