The best bus ever

The best bus ever
Jason Sievers' awesome Art in Transit bus

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hooray for the Madigan kids!

Today's Idaho Statesman carried an editorial about how Treasure Valley residents must begin changing our behaviors to help curb the region's worsening air quality. The paper gave props to two local children for just that sort of smart action:

Conner Madigan, 13, and Aaron Madigan, 9, are stellar examples of making small sacrifices for the greater good of the community's air quality.

Because they attend a charter school, there is no school bus transportation from their home, which is about three miles. Their mom asked them to think creatively about getting to school every day. Was there another mode of transportation beside their family vehicle?

The boys decided it was an easy bike ride on nice days and they researched public transportation and found they could take the bus along with commuters. They ride the bus into Downtown and transfer to a second bus to get to school, but they are saving gas money as well as our air quality.

Way to go, Conner and Aaron! Here's the full editorial. Unfortunately, in a separate article about Saturday's salute to the BSU Broncos, no one thought to suggest that fans take the bus to avoid parking hassles on campus and downtown.


Bikeboy said...

Yep - three cheers for the Madigan Kids! And for Julie, who is also doing something meaningful to improve air quality by riding the bus. (And who knows? Maybe also to have an ever-so-slight positive impact on global warming.)

Julie - partly due to your example, I've started up a blog about bicycles-as-transportation. I intend to put a link to YOUR blog on it.


I've just posted an opinion titled "An Inconvenient Truth," about how most people aren't willing to do much beyond get together to "raise consciousness," or put a bumper sticker on the car.

(No doubt our "politics" are far apart. But I don't see air quality, global warming, etc., as right-vs.-left issues.)

Julie Fanselow said...

Thanks, bikeboy, and congrats on your new blog!

And I agree, air quality is as bipartisan an issue as can be.